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Toronto Premiere ‘U Are the Universe’ Offers Star-Crossed Love in Interstellar Ukrainian Sci-Fi Dramedy, Drops Teaser (EXCLUSIVE)

Not long after he’s canned from his job as an intergalactic trucker for the biggest nuclear waste disposal company in Eastern Europe, Ukrainian Everyman Andriy Melnyk is blinded by a flash of light as his clunky cargo ship hurtles across the galaxy. (a day ago)

Favorite Movie by State

Favorite Movie by State

a day ago

Day 40: Massachusetts Day 39: Michigan winner was Robocop (I believe it got the 3rd highest votes in the contest so far). To me it was a movie I would see on like USA network when I stayed home sick from school.

Favorite Movie by State: Michigan

Favorite Movie by State: Michigan

3 days ago

Day 39: Michigan Day 38: Minnesota winner was Fargo. Today is Michigan, land of the lakes. And land of Detroit. Remember it’s the movie comment with the most upvotes, so check if yours is mentioned. Also, where the movie is set, not filmed.

Favorite Movie by State: Minnesota

Favorite Movie by State: Minnesota

4 days ago

Day 38: Minnesota Day 37: Maryland winner was The Blair Witch Project. It came from behind to beat Wedding Crashers. As a kid growing up next to woods, The Blair Witch Project scared the hell outta me as a kid!

Favorite Movie by State: Maryland

Favorite Movie by State: Maryland

5 days ago

Day 37: Maryland Day 36: Kentucky winner is Goldfinger (also a band from my youth). The one that got a lot of shine that knocked me back was The People Vs. I’m a human, I’m shocked I made it to day 36 before gumming one up.

Favorite Movie by State: Kentucky

Favorite Movie by State: Kentucky

8 days ago

Day 36: Kentucky Day 35: New Mexico, Little Miss Sunshine took it, which is an amazing indi gone wide. Notable to say this was a lowly voted state. 🤷‍♂️ Today’s state is Kentucky. Also, where the movie is set, not filmed.

Best film score?

Best film score?

20 days ago

I just rewatched interstellar and can't get over the incredible music by Hans Zimmer! eveytign he does is amazing but his work on interstellar is my favourite so far. I thought Arrival's score was also phenomenal.

Actors you’d like to see make a comeback

Actors you’d like to see make a comeback

20 days ago

Seeing guys like Nicolas Cage and Brendan Fraser a lot of cool, mainstream stuff again is pretty nice considering I grew up watching both their films. I’m curious, are there actors in particular you would like to see make a comeback?

what's the most confusing movie you've ever seen?

what's the most confusing movie you've ever seen?

20 days ago

so I just watched Tenet for the first time and I don't think I've ever been this confused watching a movie before. I was fine up until the half way point and then I was totally lost and could not follow at all.